Proativa RH will never request payments or fees of any nature from candidates who apply for a vacancy.

Our solutions

Attraction & Selection

We attract and select positions at a national level for all areas and hierarchical levels. Our team specialized in A&S, we have an excellent physical and technological structure to manage the needs of each position with assertiveness.

We are committed to ensuring that the client’s brand is faithfully expressed at each stage of the selection process, identifying the best talent for each position.

Midlle & Top Management

We have a team dedicated to the selection process of leadership professionals. With a technical differential for evaluating strategic Hard and Soft skills for the development of each client’s business. The team of headhunters works to attract & select the most suitable professionals for strategic or highly complex positions, in accordance with your company’s objectives and organizational culture.

Confidencialidade e relacionamento estratégico no mercado.

Marca com referência de 30 anos no mercado.

Confidentiality and strategic relationships in the market.

Brand with 30 years of experience on the market.

Technicians, Adm & Tech

We have a nucleus dedicated to the search for Technical and Administrative positions, working with the detailing of steps to validate technical and behavioral knowledge fundamental to the vacancies. With Tech Recruiters specialized in forming a talent pool focused on the most diverse technologies and programming languages.

Estrutura física e tecnológica para avaliações técnicas.

Alta capacidade na validação de HardSkills.

Physical and technological structure for technical assessments.

High capacity in HardSkills validation.

PCD inclusion

Our team has a team with a high level of knowledge of the brazilian Law of Quotas for People with Disabilities (Law No. 8,213/91), reading Reports and understanding guidelines on their issuance and is constantly trained and sensitized to understand their needs and combine them. it with the structure offered by your company, in addition to the assessment of professional criteria, hard and soft skills.

The team has experience with affirmative selection processes, promoting visibility to diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation and social vulnerabilities, at the most varied levels of positions and company segments.

Atuação desde 1995.

Equipe qualificada em LIBRAS, Análise de Laudos e Legislação.

Operating since 1995.

Qualified team in Brazilian sign language (LIBRAS), Report Analysis and Legislation.


Specialized in high volume and seasonal demands, typical of the retail sector. This center is prepared to serve you by aligning our processes with the particularities of each client, focused on building agile and assertive selection processes based on the technical and behavioral characteristics of the profiles.

Estratégias de atração e planejamento preventivo para alta demanda.

Mapeamento de sazonalidade para eficiência do recrutamento.

Attraction strategies and preventive planning for high demand.

Seasonality mapping for recruitment efficiency.


With extensive experience in Operational positions in the Industry and Logistics sectors, the team works with high volume demands, and mapping seasonality of each client to create a talent pool.

Delivering the most appropriate profiles for the needs of each hire, maintaining humanized service and careful at all stages of the selection process.

Média de 1600 profissionais contratados mensalmente.

Banco de talentos promovendo agilidade e qualidade.

Average of 1600 professionals hired monthly.

Talent pool promoting agility and quality.

Hunting Process

We work with a team of qualified headhunters to find and attract the most suitable professionals for strategic or highly complex positions, in accordance with your company’s objectives and organizational culture.

Mapeamento de mercado e concorrências.

Estratégias criativas e inovadores de captação.

Market and competition mapping.

Creative and innovative fundraising strategies.

Young talents

Qualified team in the most diverse technologies to develop selection processes that engage and retain Young Talents, in the most diverse Internship, Apprenticeship and Trainee Programs.

Full commitment to the brazilian Intern Law No. 11,788/2008 and the brazilian Apprentice Law No. 10,097/00, ensuring protection of learning and clarification of rights and duties. Assertiveness highlighted in the high rate of Trainee retention.

Alto índice de retenção para o desenvolvimento dos jovens talentos.

Cumprimento integral das Leis de aprendizagem.

High retention rate for the development of young talents.

Full compliance with brazilian Apprenticeship Laws.

Excellence in human resources consultancy since 1994.



(11) 3464-7100

Complexo Parque da Cidade Av. das Nações Unidas, 14401 Torre Tarumã, conj 408, São Paulo - SP


Office Hours: Mon to Fri from 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM.

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